API Gateway : Installation


The software is available on Qmatic World, as well as on github.com/qmatic.
To install the API Gateway, follow these steps:
1. Copy the QP_APIGateway_win-<version_number>.zip file and unzip it to a suitable folder.
Note that Java 8 is included in the zip-file. However, there is no need for any separate installation, or configuration. API Gateway will be working out-of-the-box.
2. In the QP_APIGateway_win-<version_number>\bin folder, run the script install-api-gw-service.bat, by right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator. A service called Qmatic API Gateway will automatically be installed.
3. Start the Qmatic API Gateway service, if it was not already started in the previous step.
It is possible to install API Gateway on a separate server, i.e not the same server that Orchestra is running on.