The Week Schedule set up here is only used for the Public Booking API.
For more information, please see various questions in the “FAQ” .
To change the start and end time for the calendar in your Calendar Client application, however, you need to follow these steps:
1. Undeploy calendar-client.war in the Jboss Admin application.
2. Unpack it, to a folder called calendar-client.war, in a suitable location (for example a temp-folder).
3. Next, open up the config.js file, found in the calendar-client.war folder, and define the wanted start and end time in the file.
4. Then, move the folder to the custdeploy folder of your Orchestra installation, so that it will be deployed again.
In the Week Schedules tab, all available week schedules are listed:
To delete a Week Schedule, simply click the delete button, , in the Actions column.
To edit a Week Schedule, simply click on the applicable row in the list. To create a new Week Schedule, click the Create New Week Schedule button and the following window is opened:
Here, you enter a Name for the Week Schedule, select the wanted Bookable days and Working days, enter the Opening Hours as well as mark the times in the calendar that should be Disabled time periods.