Calendar Admin : Appointment Profiles

Appointment Profiles

In this tab the available Appointment Profiles are listed, when you click on the wanted Branch in the list to the left:
At least one Resource Group must be created before it is possible to create a new Appointment Profile.
The procedure for creating a new Resource Group is described in “Resource Groups” .
To create a new Appointment Profile, first select the applicable Branch from the list to the left. Then, click the Create New Appointment Profile button. The following window is displayed:
Here, you enter/select the following information:
Name - name of the Appointment Profile.
Services - Which Services that should be included in the Appointment Profile.
For more information, see “Services” .
To select several Services, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the wanted ones. To select all Services, mark the top one, hold down the Shift key and mark the bottom one.
Resource Group - select the wanted Resource Group from the drop-down list.
For a description on how to create Resource Groups, see “Resource Groups” .
Week Schedule - select the wanted Week Schedule from the drop-down list.
For more information, see “Week Schedules” .
Allow booking <n> days, <m> minutes from now - number of days and minutes from now that booking should be allowed.
For more information, see “Q: How does the "Allow booking N days M minutes from now for a period of NN days" work?” .
for a period of <nn> days - maximum number of days that booking should be allowed for. Note that this parameter cannot be set to 0!
Slot interval <m> minutes - number of minutes that should be included in the time slot for the Appointment Profile.
Booking Threshold <p> % - The meaning of this setting is how fully booked Resource 1 must be, before Resource 2 is opened up.
For more information, see “Booking logic” .

Resource Groups

To create a new Resource Group (with one of the Branches selected, in the list to the left), click the Create New Resource Group button.
Enter the Name of the Resource Group and select the resources that shall be Members of the group from the list.
To delete an Appointment profile or Resource group, simply click the Delete button, , in the Actions columns.