If you are using Orchestra 6.2 or Orchestra 7.0 and running stat deployed on a separate server, or if you are using anything else than localhost as your Stat Server Address (see below), there are a few manual steps that you need to follow before using the Personal Data Management application:
1. In Orchestra, go to System Administration > Parameters > Statistics Settings.
2. In the Stat Server Address and Stat Server Port fields, make sure that you have filled in the correct IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and port number for your stat server.
3. Locate the Customer parameters. Make sure that the parameters User retention policy for customer object and Delete customers, based on retention policy, at (hh:mm) are set to your liking.
4. Open the <orchestra_install_dir>\conf\stat.conf file, on the Stat server, and make sure that you have filled in the IP address or FQDN of the Central Orchestra server for the property stat.personaldata.ip.filter.
If High Availability (HA) is used, two (2) IP addresses or FQDN for the different Orchestra servers should be added!
If this is not set up correctly, you will get error messages, such as “Unable to fetch data from stat. Check the connection to stat.” or “Request remote address is unauthorized.” when for example trying to fetch Custom field options in the Settings page, or trying to fetch customer information when exporting customer information.