Retention policy = Rules for how long the customer data stays in the system after the appointment or visit is finalised. A retention policy consists of a retention period and a name.
In the Handle retention policies window, there are four standard retention policies. In short, the policies appointment_days, default and visit_days are “active” and used for certain type of data by default; the policy direct, however, is not used until you, in some way, tell the system to use it.
• appointment_days - Standard retention policy for customer data related to appointments. This retention policy is used by the system when an appointment is created for a customer.
• default - Standard retention policy used by the system for all customer objects before they are associated with any visits or appointments. In Reception for example, you can create customer objects without creating a visit at the same time.
• direct - Standard retention policy for direct removal. This retention policy is not used for any specific data by default, but can be used when a customer object should be removed as quickly as possible.
One option is to set the policy to a customer object directly in the Personal Data Management application. For example if a customer has future appointment, and you want the customer to be deleted as soon as that is finished.
• visit_days - Standard retention policy for customer data related to visits. This retention policy is used by the system when a visit is created for a customer at arrival.
If the number of days set for visit data is 30, customer data can stay maximum 30 days after the last created visit. If a new visit is created for the same customer, a new timestamp is added to the customer object and the retention period is prolonged.
Add a retention policy
To add a new retention policy, click the Add policy icon, , in the upper right corner. The Add retention policy window is displayed:
Here, fill in the following:
• Name - required. Enter a name for the retention policy. Max 50 characters.
• Description - optional. Enter a description for the retention policy. Max 100 characters.
• Retention period (days) - required. Enter the wanted retention period in days. Valid values are 0-3650.
After you have added a new retention policy, you have to decide how to use it.
One option is to set the policy to a customer object directly, in the Handle customers window.
If you have added new retention policies, or want the system to use for example the direct policy, you have to do a customization.
You can either configure the retention policies to always be used by a specific application, for example Concierge. You can also customize the GUI and provide an option for the staff select a specific policy. Please refer to the SDK for more details.
Edit a retention policy
To edit a retention policy, click Edit . The Edit retention policy window is opened:
It is not possible to edit the name of the retention policy.
You can edit the description and the number of days for the Retention period, then click Save to save the updated policy.
Delete a Retention Policy
Default retention policies can not be deleted.
To delete a retention policy, click Delete, in the Actions column. You will be asked to confirm the deletion: