Distribution and startup
Distribution and startup
Download the tool from Qmatic World. It is linked from its product page on https://m01-qmaticworld.portal.qmatic.com/en/products/software/packaged-offerings/provisioning-tool/
Once the zip finishes downloading, extract all files into a folder and run OrchestraOperationsToolGA.exe.
The startup includes a check and download of the latest version so expect the process to take up to a minute.
Once the application is started, it will open the browser and show you the start screen:
This step connects to your target Orchestra system into which you want to deploy packages or components.
You can skip the connect step if you for example only want to work with the packages in the repository or view what’s available. To do this use the Skip – view only button without stating any Orchestra information. There is also a possibility to connect offline for when you do not have internet access, but want to connect to a local installation or similar.
If you choose to connect and an Orchestra could not be found, you will be notified and cannot continue.
If, however, Orchestra is found, you will be asked to log in with your Office365/Qmatic World-account, also.
Note: You need to log in with your complete account username address i.e. username@qmatic.com.
Note: If you have several Office 365 accounts, you need to select Use another account before entering username@qmatic.com, or choose the appropriate account from the list, if the Qmatic account is presented.
This step is to ensure that users only see those packages that are global, shared, or their own, as well as get the right feature access depending on which AD-group(s) the user is allocated.
Once logged in, you should see an overview of the system you are connected to as well as a menu:
The main menu to the left, contains all the available functionality. The menu items will change over time as we add more functionality. Below we will describe the different sections.