A new feature that is still in Beta but usable, is the ability to edit widgets and UTTs from packages and get them synced to Orchestra on the fly. This is great for when you want to develop/test things and need a quick turnaround.
To enable this mode, go into the package/module that contains the widget/UTT and navigate to the artifact you want to edit.
Press Edit next to the widget name. The widget will get exploded on your file system and you get a dialog where you can control behavior.
The settings above allow you to decide if you want the tool to automatically upload the widget to Orchestra on change, or if you want to use the Upload to Orchestra button. Either way, the tool repackages and uploads the widget to Orchestra for immediate testing. If you have your widget master code in git or similar and want all changes to be done in that directory, just use the “Overide artifact source code location” checkbox, and state where the code is located.
The setting “Auto update on disk changes” allows you to see the changes being made to the widget straight away, for instance when you preview your widget in the Surface Editor (reloading the browser is necessary in order to see the changes). Note that you need to open the widget folder located in the provisioningtool folder (as in the example above). If you notice that you don’t see any new changes after a while, please check that you’re still logged in to Provisioning Tool.
Once you are done with coding, you can update the package immediately by using the Publish package button. This will replace the widget in the package with the new one.