Installation : Introduction


Preinstalled User

When Qmatic Orchestra is installed, it comes with a preinstalled user:
Username: superadmin
Password: ulan
This user should only be used when doing the installation and performing setup. It has access to the complete system, and is normally used only by a Qmatic representative.
The first time you log in with superadmin, you will be prompted to change the password. The password must contain at least 8 characters, 1 digit and both lower case and upper case letters.


See the Orchestra Platform Overview document, found on Qmatic World, for requirements regarding versions of: Hardware Operating Systems, Browsers, Databases, Java and the like.

Port Numbers

In a default set up of Orchestra, the ports listed below are used.

Central Orchestra Server

HTTP: 8080
HTTPS: 8443
Queue Agent communication: 8787
Device communication: 8888

Standalone Queue Agent

HTTP: 18080
HTTPS: 18443*
Device communication 18888
* HTTPS listener is not enabled by default.
For more information about HTTPS and port/protocol handling, please see “Secure Communication” .
Also, see “Ports and Protocols” .

Connect Agent

If you want to install Connect, the following ports need to be enabled in the firewall:

HA Setup


Enabling Ports in the Firewall

This is done in the Windows Control Panel:
1. In the Windows Control Panel, open Windows Firewall.
2. Go to Advanced settings and click on Outbound Rules.
3. Click New Rule, select Port, then click Next.
4. In the Specific local ports field, enter the applicable port number(s), then click Next.
5. Select Allow the connection and click Next, then click Next again and give the rule a suitable name.

Changing Port Numbers

Port numbers can be changed in up to five different places, depending on if you are using Stat and Business Intelligence, or not.
In the examples below we will change the default http port from 8080 to 15050.
The instructions below refer to Windows file names and paths. Note that other file names and paths apply if you are using Linux!


The following steps are included in the procedure and are described in more detail in the sections below:
1. Change the port, in the Wildfly Admin console.
2. Change the port, in the Configuration Files.
3. Change the port, in the Startup Files.
4. Change the port, for Business Intelligence.
5. Restart Orchestra.
6. Change the central http port, in the Orchestra System Parameters.
7. Restart Orchestra.
8. Publish.

Wildfly Admin console

Follow these steps:
1. In the Wildfly Admin Console (http://localhost:9990, User name: admin, Password: ulan), go to Configuration ->Socket Binding -> View -> standard-sockets -> View:
2. Select http and click Edit:
3. Change the Port to 15050 and click Save.
4. Click Back, go to the Runtime tab and click Reload. Click Confirm to reload the server.

Configuration Files

These steps are not needed, if you already changed the port from the Wildfly Admin Console!
1. Open the file <Orchestra install dir>\app\wildfly-11.0.0.Final\standalone\configuration\standalone-full.xml in your favorite text editor.
2. Locate the line:
<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:8080}"/>
and change it to:
<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:15050}"/>
3. Locate the line:
<remote-destination host="${agent.ipAddress:localhost}" port="${jboss.http.port:8080}"/>
and change it to:
<remote-destination host="${agent.ipAddress:localhost}" port="${jboss.http.port:15050}"/>
4. Save the file.

Startup Files

Follow these steps:
1. Open the file <Orchestra_install_dir>\app\<wildfly-11.0.0.Final>\bin\standalone.conf.bat, in your favorite text editor.
2. Locate the line starting like this (but with your corresponding IP address):
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dagent.ipAddress= -DQP_HOME=%JBOSS_HOME%/../../
and change it to (adding the text in bold):
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dcentral.http.port=15050 -Dagent.ipAddress= -DQP_HOME=%JBOSS_HOME%/../../
3. Save the file.

Business Intelligence

These steps are, naturally, only needed, if Business Intelligence is used.
On the server running Business Intelligence, change the following:
1. Open the file <BI install_dir>\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\system\, in your favorite text editor.
2. Locate the line:
central.orchestra.url =
and change it to:
central.orchestra.url =
3. Save the file.

Restart Orchestra

Follow this step:
1. Restart the Orchestra service.

Orchestra System Parameters

Follow these steps:
1. Log in to Orchestra.
2. Open the System Administration application and go to the Parameters tab. For more information, see “Parameters” .
3. In the Central Access Parameters -> HTTP Settings section, change the parameter Central HTTP Port to 15050.
The settings Central HTTP Port and Central HTTP Protocol are used for distributed Queue Agents, when connecting to Central, to sync contents, such as widgets.
4. In the Application Parameters -> Statistics Settings section, change the parameter Stat Server Port to 15050.
5. Save the parameters.
6. Restart the Orchestra service.


Follow this step:
1. Publish all central Branches.