Orchestra Business Intelligence is based on the third party product Pentaho Business Analytics.
The sections below describe which properties files that need to be updated, in the different parts of the system, in order to manually introduce a new language to the Business Intelligence application.
In short, the steps are as follows:
1. Copy and extract the businessintelligence.war file from <BI installation directory>\deploy to a suitable location, where you can work with it, without interrupting the running Orchestra system.
2. Locate and copy a number of properties files, described in the sections below.
3. Rename the files so that the file name includes your language’s language code, for example message_es.properties, for a Spanish file.
4. Translate all the parameters (text strings), in the file that you created, to your language, making sure that you use Unicode, where needed, for example \u00e9 for é. Save the file.
5. Open the corresponding *_supported_languages.properties file, located in the same folder as the property file that you updated in the previous steps, and add an entry for your language in the file. Save the file.
6. When all parts described below are translated, delete the businessintelligence folder from <BI installation directory>\server\pentaho-server\tomcat\webapps. Save the updated businessintelligence.war file to <BI installation directory>\deploy.
7. Restart the Qmatic Platform service.
8. Clear the browser cache, log in as superadmin and open the Business Intelligence application. You should find a new menu entry for your language in the View-> Languages menu.
Translating the BI Console
In the description below, xx should be replaced by the two letters in your language code, for example es for Spanish.
1. Locate, copy, rename (with your language code) and translate the following property files, in:
Make sure that you separate each new language with a comma (,).
Example of what it may look like in the messages.js file:
en : true,
de : true,
fr : true,
ja : true
4. Create a folder named xx in the <BI_installation_directory>\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\system\admin-plugin\resources\nls folder.
5. Copy the messages.js file from the <BI_installation_directory>\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\system\admin-plugin\resources\nls\en folder to the folder you just created and translate the contents of the file to the language in question.
6. Add cache settings below properties to messages.js after "//licenseManager" properties.
• //cache settings
• CACHE_SETTINGS: 'Cache Settings',
• CACHE_SETTINGS_DESC: 'Configuration settings for clear mondrian cache',
• ADMIN_UNAME: 'Admin User Name',
• ADMIN_PWD: 'Admin Password',
• INVALID_ADMIN_UNAME: 'Invalid Admin User Name',
• INVALID_ADMIN_PWD: 'Invalid Admin Password',
• CRON_EXP_LIVE: 'Cron Expression for Live schema:',
• CRON_EXP_QMATIC: 'Cron Expression for Qmatic schema:',
• SAVE_CONFIG: 'Save Configuration',
• SAVE_SUCCESS_MSG: 'Configurations saved successfully. Restart Business Intelligence to apply Changes',
• RUN_TIME_LIVE_SCHEMA: 'Next runtime for Live schema is',
• RUN_TIME_QMATIC_SCHEMA: 'Next runtime for Qmatic schema is',
• EXP_INVALID_MSG_LIVE_SCHEMA: 'Cron Expression for Live schema is invalid.',
• EXP_INVALID_MSG_QMATIC_SCHEMA: 'Cron Expression for Qmatic schema is invalid.'
Translating Analyzer Parameters
In the description below, xx should be replaced by the two letters in your language code, for example es for Spanish.
1. Locate, copy, rename (with your language code) and translate the following property file, in:
This is the preferred way of modifying or translating names and phrases from the databases.
To locate and then modify this file, please follow these steps:
1. Extract the file <BI_installation_directory>\deploy\businessintelligence.war to a suitable directory.
2. In the folder businessintelligence\WEB-INF\classes, open the file locale_mondrian.properties.
3. Translate, or update (if you just want to change the English wording, for example), the phrases in the file and save it. If you have translated it, add a suffix, such as *_fr (for French) to the file name, in this case locale_mondrian_fr.properties.
4. Make a zip-file of the businessintelligence folder containing the file that you just updated or translated and rename the zip-file businessintelligence.war.
It is possible to modify and translate the metrics in the qmatic.mondrian.xml.<database> and/or live.mondrian.xml.<database> files. However, we recommend that you use the locale_mondrian.properties file for that purpose (see above).
The qmatic.mondrian.xml.<database> and live.mondrian.xml.<database> files are found here: <BI_installation_directory>\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\qmaticbi\platform\. Make sure that you select the ones that correspond to your used database.
These files are used to query the database and should be modified with great caution. Make a backup of the existing files before attempting to localize them!
The localised names should be entered in the caption and description properties of the XML tags for Dimensions, Levels and Measures.
Locate the wanted text. In this example, the measure Arrived:
2. Open the Business Intelligence application in Orchestra and select Show Hidden Files in the View menu.
3. Select Browse Files and browse to public\Orchestra Hardware Content\Dashboards.
4. Click Upload and upload the messages_xx.properties file that you created in step 1.
5. Introduce the following JSON property file to <BI_installation_directory>\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\system\pentaho-cdf-dd\lang\qmatic folder, to localize Jquery database table labels:
• messagesTable_xx.json
Localization files used in the Overview page will be cached in <<BI_installation_directory>\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\system\pentaho-cdf-dd\tmp\.cache. Delete this after updating the localized text.
The canned reports are translated with a properties file, located in the *.prpt file for the report. You use report designer to translate the report. If you need assistance, please contact Professional Services or the Support organization.
If you want to translate the name of a canned report to a language, such as Arabic, or a language using Cyrillic characters, follow these steps:
1. Download the canned report from Orchestra Business Intelligence.
You will get a zip-file called <report_name>.prpt.zip. This zip-file contains three files:
• <report_name>.prpt
• <report_name>.prpt.locale
• exportManifest.xml
2. Open the file <report_name>.prpt.locale and edit the parameter file.title, as in the following example (this example is for the canned report Service Summary):