The default response headers are configured in the application server configuration file and can be modified.
On Wildfly application servers, the configuration file is <Orchestra>/system/app/wildfly-11.0.0.Final/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
Locate the following section and modify the responseHeaderValue parameters (in bold below).
To disable a response-header, comment out or remove the entire <response-header> tag together with the corresponding <filter-ref> tag found a few lines above the <response-header>.
Save the file and restart Orchestra to apply the changes.
The HTTP Host Referer Guard has a parameter called approvedRefererHostnames which is a comma separated list of host names that are excluded from the test in the HTTP Host Referer Guard.
The guard has been given a default parameter value of in the file standalone-full.xml. Add to that value, e.g use, anotherhostname instead of, if you want to.