Appendix D - Open LDAP Setup : Reconfigure slapd to Select Better Settings

Reconfigure slapd to Select Better Settings

Even though the package was just installed, we are going to reconfigure the defaults that Ubuntu installs with.
The reason for this is that while the package has the ability to ask a lot of important configuration questions, these are skipped over in the installation process. We can gain access to all of the prompts, by telling our system to reconfigure the package:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd
There are quite a few new questions that will be asked as you go through this process. Let's go over these (and their answers) now:
1. Omit OpenLDAP server configuration? No
2. DNS domain name? This option will determine the base structure of your directory path. Read the message to understand exactly how this will be implemented. This is actually a rather open option. You can select whatever domain name value you would like, even if you do not own the actual domain.
However, if you have a domain name for the server, it is probably wise to use that. For this guide, we are going to select for our configuration.
3. Organization name? This is, again, pretty much entirely up to your preferences. For this guide, we will be using example as the name of our organization.
4. Administrator password? As mentioned in the installation section, this is your real opportunity to select an administrator password. Anything you select here will overwrite the previous password you used.
5. Database backend? HDB
6. Remove the database when slapd is purged? No
7. Move old database? Yes
8. Allow LDAPv2 protocol? No
At this point, your LDAP should be configured in a fairly reasonable way.