Calendar : Blocking a resource

Blocking a resource

Sometimes one may wish to make it impossible to book Appointments on a certain Resource over a period of time. A staff member, bookable as a Resource, may for example be on a planned vacation between two known dates, or a meeting room could be closed for renovation for a few weeks.
Therefore, in the Calendar application, a given Resource can be made unavailable for bookings through the Public API, over a period of time spanning over multiple days.
To create a blocking Appointment, do the following:
1. Select your wanted branch and find the day/time that you want the Resource Block to start.
2. Click the wanted day and time in the Calendar and the Edit Appointment record window will open. Now, you can adjust both the start and end date and time to span several days/weeks/months.
3. Mark the Blocking check box.
4. Select the applicable Resource.
5. Click the Save button.
The GUI should now have been updated with an Appointment stretching from your specified start/end date and time. It is possible to move this Appointment or update the date and time, if necessary.
It is not possible to add a Service or a customer to a Blocking Appointment.
This Resource will now be excluded for all date and time availability queries, during the affected period and no Appointments that would overlap the block can be created over the Public API. It will still be possible to book Appointments for this Resource, even during the blocked period, using the Calendar application - these Appointments will simply be handled as double-bookings just as with normal Appointments for a given Resource.
The Blocking Appointment will not be synchronised with other Orchestra Appointments.