Counter : Accessibility features

Accessibility features

To make Counter accessible to people with disabilities, efforts have been made to make Counter meet the standards of WCAG 2.1. This section presents some accessibility features that could need some extra attention.

Tabbing and shortcuts

You can use the tab key to move between different objects. Use tab to move to the next object and shift+tab to move to the previous object.
Use the arrow keys to move between different list items within an object.
In the header, there is a possibility to use a tabbing shortcut to get directly to the content. On the start page, just press tab, and then enter to go directly to that object.
a) First shortcut links to visit card
b) Second shortcut links to action panel

Prevent pop-up messages from disappearing

In Counter, there are several messages that appear as so called toasts. They can be either error messages (red) or success messages (green). To make sure everyone has time to read the toasts, they have an auto close functionality that can be turned on or off:
Uncheck the auto close check box (default) to make the toast remain until you click the x to remove it. Maximum number of open toasts is 3.
Check the auto close check box to make the toasts disappear automatically after 5 seconds.
The auto close setting is saved in a browser cookie.